I've got some work to do
I'm a slob by nature.
I've always been able to co-exist with clutter. One day I'll take a picture of my cage, I mean stall, I mean cubicle at work and show you what I mean. I'll work with papers, faxes, cookbooks and product samples all around me until one piece of paper becomes one too many and I'll clean the pen, I mean cubicle.
That's the state of the house now. As we enter the last days of the project, the clutter is getting to be too much.
But now that we have a dishwasher, I have taken the dirty coffee cups and wine glasses from the guest bath and stowed them in the new dishwasher. I can't wait to get a full load to listen to how quiet it is supposed to run.
The stuff from the old pantry and cupboards is scattered all over the living room. Judy will kill me when she sees that I photographed the mess. But, she's spending the weekend in Vegas with her sister, so I'm buying a few days for her to get over it. (I told her winning enough at the Blackjack table to pay for the kitchen wouldn't be a bad idea.) While I've got the house to myself, I plan on attacking some of the clutter.
It won't be any major stuff. Even though I use the kitchen the most, I want her to be on hand to help decide where stuff goes. Nothing drives me more crazy than not being able to find something in our house. I'm also waiting because I really think Judy will enjoy this "couple's project."
But I will place the pots in the cupboards and maybe get the pantry re-stocked. Although I may hold off as they have one more door to put on the pantry where the food goes.
As for the project progress — today the back splash tile should be installed and hopefully the floor tile will be fixed. We have a few tiles that need to be replaced.
Monday the gas guy hooks up the stove. Tuesday the range hood should be completed.
By then we should be pretty much finished, I think. (Hope. Wish. Pray.)
It's obvious that we are seeing the end as Judy and I are contemplating what will be on the menu for that first special "Make It For Me" dinner to celebrate the new kitchen. Got any suggestions?
Something fairly simple, and 'old hat'. Maybe pasta w/ meat sauce or clam sauce and a caesar? You will feel a little like you're cooking in someone else's kitchen the first few times. And a little disorganized, even though you are the one who put everything away. But enjoy that new discovery phase!
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