
Dan and Judy's Kitchen

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Now it's starting to look like a kitchen

It's hard for me to explain the relief I am feeling today. The cabinets are in. It was a two-day job but the installer put them in and did a nice job.

I'll tell you when they delivered all the stuff I was wondering if they had made a mistake. Where were they going to put it all? This is a small kitchen and there looked to be enough wood and boxes to put on an addition to the house.

Besides the fact that it is now beginning to look like a kitchen, now that the wood is installed it has relieved my concern about the opening between the bar and the second pantry. I can walk thought there like a normal person. I won't have to turn sideways to avoid ramming my hip into the bar. A hip replacement won't be in my future after all. I can still count on getting my wrecked knees repaired first. (For some reason, basketball seemed very important to me in my youth.)

Now that we have some stuff in, I can explain the redesign a bit. The first picture are the book shelves that will wrap around the front of the bar. I'm proud to say that was my idea. Now I have a place in the kitchen for the cookbooks. It will also add some color to the family room that shares that same space. Judy has told me that only the "pretty" cookbooks can go there.

On the wall, there are the "twin towers" (hmmm, a basketball reference I hadn't thought about until now). Those are two pantries with sliding drawers (see second picture) I'll have no excuse for not finding anything in there now. The microwave will go inside the one closest to the bookshelves.

The oven will go in that blank space in the middle. Above it will be a exhaust fan and a decorative hood.

This morning, they'll template the counter tops for the sink and then we won't have anything going on for about 10 days. While there won't be any construction going on, there is plenty for us to do. More about that next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan and Judy,

Just saw the pictures of the new kitchen... It looks great...Can't wait to see it when it is finished.

Jed and Espi

February 15, 2007 at 11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

My mom Mary is a big fan. She sends the following message to your wife"cookbooks are like babies there are no ugly ones." Also as a side note your wonderful standing rib roast recipe almost asphyxiated my mom, the new puppy and the stove vent. Both Mom and the puppy are fine. I will be replacing the vent as it never recovered and now refuses to work. Best wishes on your continuing adventure.

February 17, 2007 at 5:47 PM  
Blogger Dan Macdonald said...

Ah, the pesky vent. That's what started this project. I'm sorry to hear that the meal caused so many problems. With the chill in the air, braising might be the best option until you get the fan fixed or replaced.I'd love to fill the house with the smell of a pot roast right about now. But we are still weeks away.

February 18, 2007 at 8:46 AM  

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